Dr. William Akakpo is a leading Urologist, Surgeon, and Researcher in the field of Urology and Andrology, and he has vast experience treating and performing surgeries on patients with a variety of Urology and Andrology disorders.
We are delighted to be able to share with you an exclusive interview with Dr. Akakpo as he discusses his insight and advice on erectile dysfunction and sexual health.
What’s one myth about erectile dysfunction that you would like to abolish?
‘’Many men think that they will inevitably have erectile dysfunction with age, but we can say this is false. Sometimes men after 70 have good erections, and there are also many treatments. It’s not true that there are no solutions for erectile dysfunction.’’
Are men better at talking about sexual health issues?
‘’I think it’s getting easier because the information and teaching during medical school are getting better and better, people are more aware, and practitioners are more aware of treatments for how to manage erectile dysfunction and how to take time during the clinic to ask patients if there are any issues around erectile function.’’
‘’So I think it’s better; it was for many years very taboo; people didn't take the time to discuss it, and at times some practitioners didn't have the time to talk about it. So, I think it’s getting better and better and we have a lot more treatments available to treat patients and some new tests to diagnose erectile dysfunction as well.’’
What should men do if they are concerned they may have erectile dysfunction?
‘’Discuss this with your general practitioner; take the time to discuss your concerns with the clinic and do not first bring it up at the end of the clinic as you leave the door. ‘’
‘’If the patient's general practitioner does not feel comfortable, the patient should ask to see a specialist, such as a Urologist or an Andrologist.’’
Thank you to Dr. William Akakpo for joining us here at TRTed! We hope you found this interview helpful, and keep an eye out for more featured interviews with leading experts in men's health.